Items where Subject is "F Physical sciences > F670 Geochemistry"

- Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) Version 3.0 (141)
- F Physical sciences (32)
- F670 Geochemistry (9)
- F Physical sciences (32)
Data Collection
Nash, David and Ciborowski, Jake (2022) Provenancing silcrete artefacts in the Kalahari Desert: Full geochemical dataset. [Data Collection]
Nash, David and Ciborowski, Jake and Salge, Tobias and Damaschke, Magret and Goderis, Steven (2021) Petrography, geochemistry and mineralogy of the Stonehenge sarsens: Digital data collection. [Data Collection]
Nash, David and Coulson, Sheila and Schmidt, Patrick (2021) Experimental heat treatment of silcrete from the Kalahari Desert (Botswana) and Western Cape (South Africa). [Data Collection]
Smith, Martin and Banks, David and Ray, Santanu and Bowers, Francis (2021) Hypozonal gold mineralisation in shear zone hosted deposits driven by fault valve action and fluid mixing: the Nalunaq deposit, Greenland. [Data Collection]
Smith, Martin and Bardiau, Marjorie and Brennan, Richard and Burgess, Heidi and Caplin, Jon and Ray, Santanu and Urios, Thomas (2021) Accelerated low water corrosion: the microbial sulfur cycle in microcosm. [Data Collection]
Smith, Martin and Goodenough, Kathryn and Marquis, Eva and Estrade, Guillaume (2021) SOS:Rare: Multidisciplinary research towards a secure and environmentally sustainable supply of critical rare earth elements (Nd and HREE). [Data Collection]
Smith, Martin and Herrington, Richard and Hawkins, Thomas and Brownscombe, William and Watkins, Isaac (2024) Trace element geochemistry of Magnetite from Iron oxide-apatite and magnetite skarn deposits: A discriminant of deposit type and genesis? [Data Collection]
Smith, Martin and Shibulal, Biji and Ray, Santanu and Burgess, Heidi and Cooper, Ian and Moles, Norman and Willows, Alison (2023) SOCORRO:Seeking out corrosion. [Data Collection]
Waizy, Hamidullah and Moles, Norman and Smith, Martin and Boyce, Adrian (2020) Formation of the giant Aynak copper deposit, Afghanistan: evidence from mineralogy, lithogeochemistry and sulfur isotopes. [Data Collection]